Sunday, September 11, 2005
Lest We Forget...
Remembered, not forgotten,
The horrors of that day.
Watching as events unfolded,
not knowing what to say.
The amazement and confusion,
as the first plane went in.
An accident, it must be,
the first thoughts we all had then.
The 2nd plane brought new fears,
as we learned it was an attack.
The horrors of the 3rd plane crash,
and the plane, they would last hijack.
The breath we held as buildings,
in piles of dust, came down.
Billowing dust and darkness,
had soon enveloped the town.
Yet, heroes we would soon see,
of so many shapes and size.
While terror came to kill us,
our spirits and patriotism would rise!
Never before in a lifetime,
would country pride be so strong.
Never before in a lifetime,
would a day, last so long.
And then the stories came,
of Pennsylvania's plane.
Headed for the Whitehouse!
The terrorist are insane!
But pride and duty rose up that day,
and with grim awareness, they prayed.
They took control to save us all.
Justice would not be delayed.
So with "Let's Roll" they accomplished,
what needed to be done.
They took down a plane midair!
This attack would not be won.
The stories each would follow,
how each had done their part.
Police, firefighters, and loved ones,
were heroes from the start.
What did terror take that day?
Not our spirits, or our pride.
Instead it gave us unity,
and gratefulness inside.
So always on this day,
we put everything aside.
To remember the loved ones lost,
who are now at Jesus' side.
No innocence or complacency,
no longer naive are we.
But, still filled with hopefulness,
we remember...we are free.
Carla Boehm Copyright 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Do you read the history?
I will tell you, I have spent more time with "specialists" than a person should. I have seen the good, bad and the ugly of it all, but as with everything, the bad is what stands out the most. I've seen medical specialists, for a myriad of reasons. My own health issues aside, I am the primary driver for my disabled husband and my disabled father. In both cases I am there, not only for the drive, but also to explain or rather translate, to them what the doctors have just said, prescribed, and or suggested. I am not sure if it is part of their disabilities that they can't grasp what the doctor's are saying, or if it is that as someone who worked in the health field, I can glean the meaning of what the doctors are trying to convey. Either way, such is life.
There have been too many times, especially in my father's case, that it is especially fortunate that I was there, which brings me to the crux of my diatribe. On two separate occasions, with two separate doctors, we have been required to fill out extensive forms, on his contact information, medical history, complaints, and family history. Told to come early, to fill this information out, so as not to delay, what is usually an incredible wait time regardless. I fill this paper work out, as I am my father's eyes for the most part, thanks to diabetes, and diabetic retinopathy. In both instances as we were leaving, the doctors have given a prescription, both of which I knew were contraindicated for Congestive Heart Failure patients! I asked, can he take this having CHF? The doctors, both times, then said, "oh, no that will kill him." Taking the script back and then looking at his history, and writing something else.
Is it too much to ask, that if required to write the information down, that the doctor be required to read it? A quick glance would be sufficient.
Another specialist, when asked by my father for a prescription for his sinus infection, actually had the audacity to say "I am a specialist, don't you have a family doctor," in a pompous tone. Really, why take care of now what you can put off for weeks, as you wait for your family doctor to get an opening in his schedule? Yet another specialist scheduled my father to return for a follow-up visit 3 weeks later. After a minimum of a 3 hour wait, the doctor actually asked, "why, are you here again so soon?" Well Doctor, I don't know, could it be because you told me to be here?
This same doctor will ask him which insulin he takes and how much, several different times in a visit, prompting a curt "do you not right down what you prescribed," as I am further and further disgusted by the whole visit. I leave shaking my head every time. It seems the specialists, specialize in incompetence. Must be a required subject.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Ranting? Oh, I can do that. I seem to have a never ending supply of thoughts on inadequacies, incompetence and redundancy.
We'll of course have to focus on the above as they relate to others, strictly avoiding at all cost, how they may apply in our own lives.
Acknowledging that would be of no fun to anyone, and would not be useful, surely!
I especially, as a chronic pain sufferer, have an interest in all things health. While in no means an expert, I would say I have quite an extensive array of qualifications in what does and does not work for pain, the importance of staying healthy, in mind, body and soul, and how to implement healthy choices. I am constantly amazed by the health field, and the time and money wasted, by insurance, and doctors, in "cures" they know are at best bandaids, not answers, and even in the inconsistencies between multiple medical "specialist" and the lack in coordination of care given. Is there an answer to all the questions we'll probe? Possibly. It is worth putting time and effort in, considering the extreme, ever growing public, who are frustrated with the care, or lack there of, they are getting. Is it the fault of the doctors? Somewhat, yes. The fault lies in the patient, as well. Adding to that the lack of decent insurance coverage and the lack of monetary compensation for health care providers...It is a boiling pot of frustrations and aggravations. So, what can be done? How can there be improvement, and who is willing to put a foot forward, and say "I think this, would help."
Well, someone has to do it. It might as well begin with me...
We'll learn, we'll complain, we'll rant, we'll rave, and finally together, maybe even implement change through awareness. Who's game? Let's start this adventure, find some answers, some relief.
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