Monday, August 31, 2009

Today's topic: Fruit

So, today I am going to let you know about the Super Fruits that are in AIO and what they do. Mind you the fruits are just one aspect of the juice, which has so much more in it. We will go through the ingredients later, but for now I want to focus on the fruits, because it is cutting edge science that went into the selection and portion of each and it is very exciting. Especially if you are like me, with good intentions you go to the store, carefully picking out blueberries, or the fruit on sale for the week and a month later you find your good intention rotted and moldy in the back of the fridge. Well that was an expensive waste of time. So for me, when I read that each ounce has 13,830 mg of Whole Fruit Per Serving in the AIO Premium Antioxidant Blend, I was blown away.
The first fruit I will speak about is Acerola. It has a high antioxidant potency and contains 32 times the amount of Vitamin C as orange juice.
Pomegranate, is a good source of potassium, Vitamin B5 and antioxidant polyphenols. So you are probably wondering why antioxidant polyphenols are important. It is because they have free-radical scavenging properties. In studies Pomegranate was effective in reducing heart disease factors.
Amla, is a fruit shown to have antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It has been shown to be efficient against inflammation, cancer, age relate renal disease and diabetes. It also induces apoptosis and modifies gene expression in osteoclasts involved in RA and Osteoarthritis.
I find that all so very exciting, because I have actually been diagnosed with RA & Osteoarthritis & Diabetes. It is so exciting to be a part of changing my health, and being active in changing my bodies chemistry and moving towards pain free living.
Next is Mango. Mango is rich in a variety of photochemicals and nutrients that qualify it as a "super fruit". Super fruit is a term used to explain the potential health value of certain edible fruits. Mango is high in prebiotic dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C, polyphenols and caratenoids.
Blueberries have high levels of mineral manganese, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin C. They also contain anthocyanins, antioxidant pigments and phytochemicals that play a role in lowering the risks of some diseases, including certain cancers and inflammation.
Acai...who hasn't heard of Acai? It has been claimed that it provides energy, improvement in digestion, detoxification, improves skin appearance, heart health, and reduces cholesterol and improves sleep. It contains a high level of antioxidants as well.
Camu Camu is full of Vitamin C at extraordinary levels, and it contains amino acids valine, leucine, and serine and is rich in flavonoids.
And lastly Dark Cherry. Dark Cherry has anthocyanins. It has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation and the anthocyanins are potent antioxidants that is being researched actively for potential health benefits including heart disease and diabetes.
Each of these fruits are easily research on the internet and for those of you who plan to get in on the the great opportunity to sell this great product (and in doing so, getting discounts on your own product, as well as income potential) the Ceres Living team has created an awesome brochure with all this information and more. This company is excited about getting this product out and helping those of us who struggle with pain, autoimmune diseases, depression and so much more. It launches in September, so take advantage of the pre-launch and and get back to feeling better! I am excited to get the word out. I feel great, and I know the longer I am on AIO, the healthier I will become. Don't just sit there....let's get back to the business of feeling good and helping others get their life back!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.This blog is owned, operated and produced by an independent distributor of Ceres Living, Inc. The views and or content expressed on this website are not necessarily distributed, supported, condoned or endorsed by Ceres Living, Inc.

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